SoML: I Am the Fire

Some days I feel like nearly every song in the Halestorm catalog could be a SoML post. Although some of them would be NSFW and definitely NSFF (not suitable for family). I can guarantee you this won’t be the only Halestorm song I talk about – but I will try to keep the number within reason.

If you love rock and you haven’t discovered Lzzy Hale’s powerful vocals and smoldering lyrics, please do yourself a favor and seek out everything you can find on Spotify, Amazon Prime, or whatever music service you prefer.

Now that I’m finished geeking out over the band, on to the song… Continue reading SoML: I Am the Fire

BJJ: Laughing to Learn

I’m a groupie and a gremmie when it comes Jiu Jitsu.

Now before you start envisioning scenes from Almost Famous or humming Gremmie Out of Control under your breath, let me explain.

Continue reading BJJ: Laughing to Learn

Soundtrack of My Life: I Dare You

I’ve always been interested in and connected to music. I usually don’t subject people to my singing, but if you’ve been near me when music is playing, you’ve probably seen some moves. My parents like to say that as soon as I started walking, I started dancing. My proclivity for moving to the music wherever, whenever earned me nicknames in college and may have landed me a rolling nickname at the gym.

Continue reading Soundtrack of My Life: I Dare You

Paleo PITA

No, this is not a recipe for some magical bread-substitute for those who were previously addicted to Stacy’s Cinnamon Sugar Pita Chip goodness. This is about the major downside of being a mostly-Paleo person:  It’s a Pain In The Ass!

For those who are regular readers and didn’t stumble onto my blog while seeking out Paleo recipes, you already know that I’ve been going through a period of transition. (For those who didn’t know, now you do.) This weekend I complete post-divorce move #2, which will last 6 months or until I buy a house, whichever comes first. Obviously, I’m hoping for the home purchase. Continue reading Paleo PITA

Operation: You Can’t Go Home

Closing time… you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here…

Now that I’ve firmly planted that earworm, let me explain. I have been living in the house formerly known as “home” for a while now. The agreement was that I would leave when I bought a house or October 1st, whichever came first. Anyone who’s read my “ is Tinder for Houses” post knows how the house hunt went (is going). So here we are at October 1st and I’ve packed up the last of my things. Continue reading Operation: You Can’t Go Home

Breakin’ Deez (Lug) Nuts

This weekend I took another big step towards truly living as a single woman… by moving in with my parents. SIGH. Still, moving out of the house I shared with my ex is a significant step forward and the parental housing is only a 3 week stop on the long journey ahead.

Continue reading Breakin’ Deez (Lug) Nuts

BJJ: Embrace the Stranger

A while back, I posted what has become a fairly pivotal piece for me on my dog blog, All Around Dogs. The post was entitled Embrace the Awkward and talked about the “conscious incompetence” stage of learning where things feel difficult and, well, awkward. While the post relates it to dog training, I’ve taken my own advice to heart and have tried to apply it to every area of my life. Continue reading BJJ: Embrace the Stranger

On My Own Two Feet

I came to a small but powerful realization today. In my last post, I lamented the end of my “First Feet” photo album entries. I had privately wondered if I could make it a tradition with the next serious guy in my life (not that I’m going there anytime soon) or if that would be too weird. I was caught up in how I started it and wasn’t thinking about how it could evolve. Continue reading On My Own Two Feet is Tinder for Houses

I entered the housing market and the dating world almost simultaneously. Being someone who is technically inclined, I made sure to download the Realtor app. At the same time, I joined several dating sites (playing the odds) including Tinder. It didn’t take long for me to notice some striking similarities between house shopping and online dating.

Continue reading is Tinder for Houses